Green Shipping Protection
If you added Green Shipping Protection to your order and now are experiencing issues, please go to to file a claim.
Once submitted a Green representative will begin processing your claim and follow up with you via email.
Be prepared to answer the following:
- If damaged
- Which items got damaged?
- Upload a photo of the damage.
- If lost
- View your tracking information to make sure it wasn't delivered and it must be at least 5 days from the order date to be considered lost.
- If Stolen
- Verify the tracking information to assure the package was delivered
- In some unusual cases, you may be required to upload a police report.
After your request is submitted
Once your Reorder Request is submitted, the Green team will quickly review and reorder the products for you.
In the rare case that the reorder request is not accepted, Green support team will reach out to you to with an explanation.